The Role of AI in Enhancing Personal Productivity

by Vatsal Sanghavi

Cofunder of Audionotes

Technology has just provided thousands of hacks to increase productivity and perform tasks more easily and creatively. One among these is AI. In the past few months, AI tools like Chatgpt, Google Bard, Midjourney, Bing, and many others have just turned the working scene drastically with the power of generative AI. Today, there are almost a thousand AIs ready to help in every task and field – design, writing, research, editing, finance, medical, education, and whatnot. 

A study on the impact of generative AI  found that workers who use it have increased their productivity and perform up to 40% better than those who don't. Up to 300 million full-time jobs are replaced by applications powered by these technologies, according to a recent report by Goldman Sachs. At the same time, hundreds of new categories of jobs are created, and overall global productivity could be boosted by around 7% annually over 10 years.

If you are on a constant hunt for productivity hacks that will help you get more done in less time and increase your productivity, this blog is for you. In this article, we will discuss how generative AI helps in increasing personal productivity, top AI apps for specific needs, relevant prompts, and the future of AI in increasing personal productivity. 

Role of AI in Increasing Productivity 

Productivity is like measuring how much you get out of what you put in. It's a way to see how efficiently a person or a whole company turns resources, like time and money, into goods and services. So, if a person or a company is good at being productive, it means they're making the most out of what they have.

In simple terms, productivity tells us how well resources are used to make stuff. It's a big deal because being productive isn't just about making more things; it's about improving things. And this is where AI can help, shaving off the extra time and making the process faster for you. 

AI tackles repetitive tasks, saving time and allowing people to concentrate on the more engaging and creative aspects of their jobs. It acts as a rapid data detective, swiftly sifting through heaps of information to discern crucial patterns and insights that would otherwise take a considerable amount of time.

Integrate AI in your daily work

Generative AI can do everyday tasks automatically, saving humans time for more creative stuff. Knowing how to use it in your work is important.

One way is to split your daily tasks into categories and then find AI for each category. You can integrate tasks like project planning and management, data analysis, research, writing, daily note-taking, learning and development,  Content creation

How to use AI to be more productive: Top AI Apps 

Even if you've been using AI chatbots or other tools for a long time, there are some cool ways to boost your productivity on this list that you haven't thought of or tried before. Explore them here: 

  1. Record, Transcript, and Summarize Meetings: Audionotes 

AI makes meetings easier. It records, writes, and sums up everything, saving you from taking notes. Get a quick summary of the important stuff for later reference. Moreover, if you feel like changing the tone, language, and content that AI has provided, you have all the rights to do so freely with Audionotes. This ensures nothing gets missed, and your team stays on track with tasks and goals, helping everyone work together better and making things more productive.

In addition, it helps you organize your messy thoughts, voice notes, and ideas into precise notes. It comes with a magic chat feature where you can give prompts and generate creative content for emails, Twitter, and social media posts. With all these amazing features, Audionotes is a top pick.

  1. Free AI Social Media Post Generator:  SocialBee  

AI tools create interesting social media posts just for your brand and audience. They can also plan and post content, keeping your online presence steady.

AI checks what your audience likes and when they engage the most. It then suggests the best types of content, posting times, and strategies to make sure you reach more people on social media. For all these benefits, Social Bee stands out as the top tool.

  1. Brainstorming, Tracking, Task Management, and To-Do List: Notion 

Smart creativity tools with AI can make your brainstorming sessions way better. They come up with new ideas, show the good and bad sides of each, and help you find smart solutions to problems. They even help you make your to-do list, trace your work, and manage tasks.

With AI, you can get everyone on your team at the same pace to suggest and edit together. Using AI in brainstorming helps you get past thinking in only one way and any mental blocks. This leads to cooler ideas and a big jump in how much stuff you get done.

Not to forget, Notion with its AI is the best tool to handle all these tasks. Be it managing tasks, keeping track of things, making to-do lists, and of course, brainstorming!

  1. Automate the Planning

AI-powered planning tools are like your personal schedule helpers. They assist in creating and managing your schedule, making sure you use your time well and prioritize tasks.

These tools look at your workload and habits to give you personalized tips for better productivity. By learning from how you've done things before, AI helps you make smarter plans, set realistic deadlines, and avoid having too much or too little on your plate.

Motion,, Clockwise, and many other AI tools are super helpful AI calendar tools. It keeps things consistent for you, looks good, works really well, and is easy to use. It's the perfect combo.

  1. Development and Coding Assistant: Alphacode 

Generative AI has extended its influence to various fields, including development and coding.AlphaCode is one such coding assistant that uses smart AI. It helps write code, fix bugs, and suggest good programming solutions. Developers like it because it speeds up work, automates tasks, and helps them learn coding better. 

The tool makes coding easier, reduces mistakes, and improves coding skills. But in tricky situations, it might not generate perfect code because it follows certain patterns.

  1. Graphic Design and UI/UX : Midjourney 

AI is a great helper in design, and tools like Midjourney prove this by turning text into images for things like UI screens and product visuals. While it can't replace real designers, Midjourney is useful in the early design stages. It basically helps designers and boosts their productivity.  

All you have to do is join Discord, give clear instructions, and try different prompts for the best results. Keep in mind that the outputs might need a bit of human touch-up, but they're perfect for sparking creative ideas.

Learn how to write strong AI prompts

When you learn about how AI can make your work easier, and increase productivity you might be thinking, "But the key is to know how to use it and ask it the right things." And you're correct. You have to provide a certain prompt to AI to generate the required content. Here are some tips on how to write strong AI prompts: 

  • Begin with a brief context or background.

  • Specify the task or information needed.

  • Include relevant keywords for precision.

  • Provide examples or instances for clarity.

  • Specify the desired tone or style.

  • Anticipate and include any follow-up questions.

Assigning a role, setting boundaries, specifying response formats, and highlighting areas of focus are all required.

Use AI as a Collaborator and Servant

When using any generative AI, like ChatGPT, try asking it to collaborate with you on a task instead of just giving it commands. For example, say, "Let’s work on a marketing plan for our new product launch. What do you think about the target audience, promotion channels, and potential challenges?" This way, it encourages a conversation and ensures you get the information you need. 


AI holds plenty of chances to increase personal productivity and help you with making daily tasks smoother. Try out AI-powered tools and techniques, and you'll be all set to handle your tasks more efficiently, stay focused, and get more done in less time. Use gems like Audionotes, which can add an extra layer of ease and organization to your workflow.

Your cluttered Thoughts into clear Text Notes using AI

Speak or type, Audionotes will transform your notes into searchable clear actionable text notes using AI

Try For Free

The Role of AI in Enhancing Personal Productivity

by Vatsal Sanghavi

Cofunder of Audionotes

Technology has just provided thousands of hacks to increase productivity and perform tasks more easily and creatively. One among these is AI. In the past few months, AI tools like Chatgpt, Google Bard, Midjourney, Bing, and many others have just turned the working scene drastically with the power of generative AI. Today, there are almost a thousand AIs ready to help in every task and field – design, writing, research, editing, finance, medical, education, and whatnot. 

A study on the impact of generative AI  found that workers who use it have increased their productivity and perform up to 40% better than those who don't. Up to 300 million full-time jobs are replaced by applications powered by these technologies, according to a recent report by Goldman Sachs. At the same time, hundreds of new categories of jobs are created, and overall global productivity could be boosted by around 7% annually over 10 years.

If you are on a constant hunt for productivity hacks that will help you get more done in less time and increase your productivity, this blog is for you. In this article, we will discuss how generative AI helps in increasing personal productivity, top AI apps for specific needs, relevant prompts, and the future of AI in increasing personal productivity. 

Role of AI in Increasing Productivity 

Productivity is like measuring how much you get out of what you put in. It's a way to see how efficiently a person or a whole company turns resources, like time and money, into goods and services. So, if a person or a company is good at being productive, it means they're making the most out of what they have.

In simple terms, productivity tells us how well resources are used to make stuff. It's a big deal because being productive isn't just about making more things; it's about improving things. And this is where AI can help, shaving off the extra time and making the process faster for you. 

AI tackles repetitive tasks, saving time and allowing people to concentrate on the more engaging and creative aspects of their jobs. It acts as a rapid data detective, swiftly sifting through heaps of information to discern crucial patterns and insights that would otherwise take a considerable amount of time.

Integrate AI in your daily work

Generative AI can do everyday tasks automatically, saving humans time for more creative stuff. Knowing how to use it in your work is important.

One way is to split your daily tasks into categories and then find AI for each category. You can integrate tasks like project planning and management, data analysis, research, writing, daily note-taking, learning and development,  Content creation

How to use AI to be more productive: Top AI Apps 

Even if you've been using AI chatbots or other tools for a long time, there are some cool ways to boost your productivity on this list that you haven't thought of or tried before. Explore them here: 

  1. Record, Transcript, and Summarize Meetings: Audionotes 

AI makes meetings easier. It records, writes, and sums up everything, saving you from taking notes. Get a quick summary of the important stuff for later reference. Moreover, if you feel like changing the tone, language, and content that AI has provided, you have all the rights to do so freely with Audionotes. This ensures nothing gets missed, and your team stays on track with tasks and goals, helping everyone work together better and making things more productive.

In addition, it helps you organize your messy thoughts, voice notes, and ideas into precise notes. It comes with a magic chat feature where you can give prompts and generate creative content for emails, Twitter, and social media posts. With all these amazing features, Audionotes is a top pick.

  1. Free AI Social Media Post Generator:  SocialBee  

AI tools create interesting social media posts just for your brand and audience. They can also plan and post content, keeping your online presence steady.

AI checks what your audience likes and when they engage the most. It then suggests the best types of content, posting times, and strategies to make sure you reach more people on social media. For all these benefits, Social Bee stands out as the top tool.

  1. Brainstorming, Tracking, Task Management, and To-Do List: Notion 

Smart creativity tools with AI can make your brainstorming sessions way better. They come up with new ideas, show the good and bad sides of each, and help you find smart solutions to problems. They even help you make your to-do list, trace your work, and manage tasks.

With AI, you can get everyone on your team at the same pace to suggest and edit together. Using AI in brainstorming helps you get past thinking in only one way and any mental blocks. This leads to cooler ideas and a big jump in how much stuff you get done.

Not to forget, Notion with its AI is the best tool to handle all these tasks. Be it managing tasks, keeping track of things, making to-do lists, and of course, brainstorming!

  1. Automate the Planning

AI-powered planning tools are like your personal schedule helpers. They assist in creating and managing your schedule, making sure you use your time well and prioritize tasks.

These tools look at your workload and habits to give you personalized tips for better productivity. By learning from how you've done things before, AI helps you make smarter plans, set realistic deadlines, and avoid having too much or too little on your plate.

Motion,, Clockwise, and many other AI tools are super helpful AI calendar tools. It keeps things consistent for you, looks good, works really well, and is easy to use. It's the perfect combo.

  1. Development and Coding Assistant: Alphacode 

Generative AI has extended its influence to various fields, including development and coding.AlphaCode is one such coding assistant that uses smart AI. It helps write code, fix bugs, and suggest good programming solutions. Developers like it because it speeds up work, automates tasks, and helps them learn coding better. 

The tool makes coding easier, reduces mistakes, and improves coding skills. But in tricky situations, it might not generate perfect code because it follows certain patterns.

  1. Graphic Design and UI/UX : Midjourney 

AI is a great helper in design, and tools like Midjourney prove this by turning text into images for things like UI screens and product visuals. While it can't replace real designers, Midjourney is useful in the early design stages. It basically helps designers and boosts their productivity.  

All you have to do is join Discord, give clear instructions, and try different prompts for the best results. Keep in mind that the outputs might need a bit of human touch-up, but they're perfect for sparking creative ideas.

Learn how to write strong AI prompts

When you learn about how AI can make your work easier, and increase productivity you might be thinking, "But the key is to know how to use it and ask it the right things." And you're correct. You have to provide a certain prompt to AI to generate the required content. Here are some tips on how to write strong AI prompts: 

  • Begin with a brief context or background.

  • Specify the task or information needed.

  • Include relevant keywords for precision.

  • Provide examples or instances for clarity.

  • Specify the desired tone or style.

  • Anticipate and include any follow-up questions.

Assigning a role, setting boundaries, specifying response formats, and highlighting areas of focus are all required.

Use AI as a Collaborator and Servant

When using any generative AI, like ChatGPT, try asking it to collaborate with you on a task instead of just giving it commands. For example, say, "Let’s work on a marketing plan for our new product launch. What do you think about the target audience, promotion channels, and potential challenges?" This way, it encourages a conversation and ensures you get the information you need. 


AI holds plenty of chances to increase personal productivity and help you with making daily tasks smoother. Try out AI-powered tools and techniques, and you'll be all set to handle your tasks more efficiently, stay focused, and get more done in less time. Use gems like Audionotes, which can add an extra layer of ease and organization to your workflow.

Your cluttered Thoughts into clear Text Notes using AI

Speak or type, Audionotes will transform your notes into searchable clear actionable text notes using AI

Try For Free

The Role of AI in Enhancing Personal Productivity

by Vatsal Sanghavi

Cofunder of Audionotes

Technology has just provided thousands of hacks to increase productivity and perform tasks more easily and creatively. One among these is AI. In the past few months, AI tools like Chatgpt, Google Bard, Midjourney, Bing, and many others have just turned the working scene drastically with the power of generative AI. Today, there are almost a thousand AIs ready to help in every task and field – design, writing, research, editing, finance, medical, education, and whatnot. 

A study on the impact of generative AI  found that workers who use it have increased their productivity and perform up to 40% better than those who don't. Up to 300 million full-time jobs are replaced by applications powered by these technologies, according to a recent report by Goldman Sachs. At the same time, hundreds of new categories of jobs are created, and overall global productivity could be boosted by around 7% annually over 10 years.

If you are on a constant hunt for productivity hacks that will help you get more done in less time and increase your productivity, this blog is for you. In this article, we will discuss how generative AI helps in increasing personal productivity, top AI apps for specific needs, relevant prompts, and the future of AI in increasing personal productivity. 

Role of AI in Increasing Productivity 

Productivity is like measuring how much you get out of what you put in. It's a way to see how efficiently a person or a whole company turns resources, like time and money, into goods and services. So, if a person or a company is good at being productive, it means they're making the most out of what they have.

In simple terms, productivity tells us how well resources are used to make stuff. It's a big deal because being productive isn't just about making more things; it's about improving things. And this is where AI can help, shaving off the extra time and making the process faster for you. 

AI tackles repetitive tasks, saving time and allowing people to concentrate on the more engaging and creative aspects of their jobs. It acts as a rapid data detective, swiftly sifting through heaps of information to discern crucial patterns and insights that would otherwise take a considerable amount of time.

Integrate AI in your daily work

Generative AI can do everyday tasks automatically, saving humans time for more creative stuff. Knowing how to use it in your work is important.

One way is to split your daily tasks into categories and then find AI for each category. You can integrate tasks like project planning and management, data analysis, research, writing, daily note-taking, learning and development,  Content creation

How to use AI to be more productive: Top AI Apps 

Even if you've been using AI chatbots or other tools for a long time, there are some cool ways to boost your productivity on this list that you haven't thought of or tried before. Explore them here: 

  1. Record, Transcript, and Summarize Meetings: Audionotes 

AI makes meetings easier. It records, writes, and sums up everything, saving you from taking notes. Get a quick summary of the important stuff for later reference. Moreover, if you feel like changing the tone, language, and content that AI has provided, you have all the rights to do so freely with Audionotes. This ensures nothing gets missed, and your team stays on track with tasks and goals, helping everyone work together better and making things more productive.

In addition, it helps you organize your messy thoughts, voice notes, and ideas into precise notes. It comes with a magic chat feature where you can give prompts and generate creative content for emails, Twitter, and social media posts. With all these amazing features, Audionotes is a top pick.

  1. Free AI Social Media Post Generator:  SocialBee  

AI tools create interesting social media posts just for your brand and audience. They can also plan and post content, keeping your online presence steady.

AI checks what your audience likes and when they engage the most. It then suggests the best types of content, posting times, and strategies to make sure you reach more people on social media. For all these benefits, Social Bee stands out as the top tool.

  1. Brainstorming, Tracking, Task Management, and To-Do List: Notion 

Smart creativity tools with AI can make your brainstorming sessions way better. They come up with new ideas, show the good and bad sides of each, and help you find smart solutions to problems. They even help you make your to-do list, trace your work, and manage tasks.

With AI, you can get everyone on your team at the same pace to suggest and edit together. Using AI in brainstorming helps you get past thinking in only one way and any mental blocks. This leads to cooler ideas and a big jump in how much stuff you get done.

Not to forget, Notion with its AI is the best tool to handle all these tasks. Be it managing tasks, keeping track of things, making to-do lists, and of course, brainstorming!

  1. Automate the Planning

AI-powered planning tools are like your personal schedule helpers. They assist in creating and managing your schedule, making sure you use your time well and prioritize tasks.

These tools look at your workload and habits to give you personalized tips for better productivity. By learning from how you've done things before, AI helps you make smarter plans, set realistic deadlines, and avoid having too much or too little on your plate.

Motion,, Clockwise, and many other AI tools are super helpful AI calendar tools. It keeps things consistent for you, looks good, works really well, and is easy to use. It's the perfect combo.

  1. Development and Coding Assistant: Alphacode 

Generative AI has extended its influence to various fields, including development and coding.AlphaCode is one such coding assistant that uses smart AI. It helps write code, fix bugs, and suggest good programming solutions. Developers like it because it speeds up work, automates tasks, and helps them learn coding better. 

The tool makes coding easier, reduces mistakes, and improves coding skills. But in tricky situations, it might not generate perfect code because it follows certain patterns.

  1. Graphic Design and UI/UX : Midjourney 

AI is a great helper in design, and tools like Midjourney prove this by turning text into images for things like UI screens and product visuals. While it can't replace real designers, Midjourney is useful in the early design stages. It basically helps designers and boosts their productivity.  

All you have to do is join Discord, give clear instructions, and try different prompts for the best results. Keep in mind that the outputs might need a bit of human touch-up, but they're perfect for sparking creative ideas.

Learn how to write strong AI prompts

When you learn about how AI can make your work easier, and increase productivity you might be thinking, "But the key is to know how to use it and ask it the right things." And you're correct. You have to provide a certain prompt to AI to generate the required content. Here are some tips on how to write strong AI prompts: 

  • Begin with a brief context or background.

  • Specify the task or information needed.

  • Include relevant keywords for precision.

  • Provide examples or instances for clarity.

  • Specify the desired tone or style.

  • Anticipate and include any follow-up questions.

Assigning a role, setting boundaries, specifying response formats, and highlighting areas of focus are all required.

Use AI as a Collaborator and Servant

When using any generative AI, like ChatGPT, try asking it to collaborate with you on a task instead of just giving it commands. For example, say, "Let’s work on a marketing plan for our new product launch. What do you think about the target audience, promotion channels, and potential challenges?" This way, it encourages a conversation and ensures you get the information you need. 


AI holds plenty of chances to increase personal productivity and help you with making daily tasks smoother. Try out AI-powered tools and techniques, and you'll be all set to handle your tasks more efficiently, stay focused, and get more done in less time. Use gems like Audionotes, which can add an extra layer of ease and organization to your workflow.

Your cluttered Thoughts into clear Text Notes using AI

Speak or type, Audionotes will transform your notes into searchable clear actionable text notes using AI

Try For Free